Erik Enrique Caamaño Díaz

Artistic Data


Artistic Gymnastics training since 1990, being part of the Iquiqueña selection for a decade.

Technical Data of the Show

             Artist name :  Mr. Mareo
             Show name:  Yes or No

              Duration of the Show, 25 minutes.

               Assembly time: 15 minutes

              Minimum space required 4 meters. for 4 meters.

              Flat and clean surface.

              Amplification and headset microphone preferably.

Short description

One-person show, suitable for all audiences; interactive, funny, unique and participatory where the audience is complicit in this own proposal in creation and dynamics in development using the cyr wheel as the common thread. Suitable for street, theater, conventions, festivals, schools, etc.

Contact :

  • Mail:
  • Facebook: Erik Caamaño Díaz
  • Phone/WhatsApp: +569-94087596

© 2018 Erik Caamaño Díaz. Cyr Wheel
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